Tributes - Tsoknyi Rinpoche

I was so shocked and sad to hear of Akong Rinpoche’s sudden passing.   I wanted to send my sincere condolences to Lama Yeshe Rinpoche, all his family and the greater sangha.  Akong Rinpoche was a very important Lama in the Karma Kagyu School.  He was very socially conscious.  He helped many people all over the world but his work in Tibet was particularly impressive.  He even funded the building of nun’s quarters at Gechak Gompa in Nangchen, Tibet, the largest nunnery practicing in the Tsoknyi tradition there.  I think Rinpoche was very special to many, many Tibetans.  It is a great loss for us all but especially for Tibet.

At a difficult time like this it is very important that all his students come together harmoniously and support Lama Yeshe Rinpoche’s work.

I will ask all my nuns in Nepal and Tibet to pray, and I sincerely wish Akong Rinpoche’s activities continue.


Tsoknyi Rinpoche,

9th October 2013


From the Gebchakgonpa online Autumn Newsletter, 31st October 2013

Kepchak nuns“The Gebchak nuns are extremely saddened at the recent death of Akong Rinpoche and are engaging in 49 days of prayers for this great master as are many sanghas worldwide.  Akong Rinpoche was the founder of ROKPA, an NGO that performs some of the most skillful charity and cultural preservation work in the world.  Over the last ten years Akong Rinpoche has quietly supported the preservation of Gebchak Nunnery during a time of great change in Tibet.  He rebuilt the Gebchak nuns’ 16 retreat divisions, the new 3-year retreat house, a medical clinic and installed a system of running water.  Akong Rinpoche will live on in the nuns’ prayers, inspiration and the long-term preservation of the Gebchak tradition.”





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