Mastering the Mind

October 8, 2018 at 21:26 pm

As part of the activities surrounding the fifth anniversary of the passing of Choje Akong Tulku Rinpoche, Drupon Rinpoche has kindly come to Samye Ling to impart the Dharma to all those present. Over the weekend he taught on the subject of “The Way to Master The Mind”. There follows a summary of key points for those of you unable to attend.

The Way to Master the Mind

Drupon Rinpoche began by welcoming everyone and reminding us of the need to be conscientious in how we approach the Teachings: not just for our own benefit, but so that we create the right kind of environment in which the study and practice of the Dharma can flourish and benefit many people, now and in the future.

Over the two days of Teachings, Rinpoche gave us advice on how to correctly relate to Dharma teachings, so that the topic being taught does not remain ‘out there’, external to ourselves, or become just an object that we need to learn and retain. He explained how to work with the Lama to transform oneself and what it means to have proper regard for the Dharma, so that we are authentically practising with vast aspiration and not just using the Dharma as therapy, to feel better in this lifetime.

Rinpoche outlined the qualities required of a capable practitioner and urged us to compare our aspirations and our own way of thinking to theirs, to see where we fall short and need to improve.

He also stressed the importance of a good environment, as a key support to our mastering our minds. In this regard, Rinpoche explained, careful attention must be given to ensuring that the organisation itself keeps its principal activity – the Dharma – clearly in focus and regularly evaluates the impact it is having. At an individual level, the members of the organisation need to be kind, confident, capable and well-educated in the Dharma, if it is to thrive. Again, Rinpoche exhorted us to look carefully at ourselves to see whether we have the necessary qualities to inspire others in the Dharma and whether we are the kind of person in whom others can place their hopes.

It is only by coming to know our own mind and taming it as best we can that we will make progress in the Dharma, and be of benefit to others.